Advertise - Successful business people must think about advertising. Advertising needn't cost a fortune though. There are many ways to advertise for little to no cost.
To advertise for free, find blogs that feature items similar to those in your shop. E-mail the blogger and ask if he or she would be interested in featuring your item. This tactic can also be applied to print media. Companies such as Lark Publishing look for artist submissions of images and craft projects. Getting exposure online and in print media can help to boost sales and pad a resume.
Other sites such as Facebook (see F) and Craftcult (see C) offer advertising space at a low cost. Facebook also allows artists to create a fan page for their store. This fan page can generate more interest and drive traffic to the Etsy store.
Artists need to also remember to advertise their products on the go. Business cards come in handy when networking with potential customers. Word-of-mouth advertising is also vital, so customer satisfaction has to be a high priority. Good service can translate to more sales while bad service can kill future business.
It is important to use a combination of advertising techniques to expand the customer base and reach a diverse audience. Artists who promote will reap the benefits.
Has the Love Bug Bitten You Yet?
12 years ago